SIBLING RIVALRY: Competition for Parental Love – Part II

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For parents with more than one child, concerns around fair treatment may have crossed your mind more than once. After all, each child has his or her own needs, personality, age, or temperament, so how can they be treated the same? How do you deal with envy? Or Jealousy? Here are some helpful tips: 1. VALUE

SIBLING RIVALRY: Competition for Parental Love – Part I

For parents with more than one child, concerns around fair treatment may have crossed your mind. After all, each child has his or her own needs, personality, age, and temperament, so how can they be treated the same? How do you stop envy or jealousy from developing between your children? Here are some helpful tips:

Has Divorce Guilt Made You a Bad Parent?

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Therapist Nataxja Cini is speaking with CBC host Stu Mills about Divorce Guilt. Has Divorce Guilt made you a bad parent? How has it impacted your parenting skills? This call-in show explores many aspects of Divorce Guilt and how it can impact your children, your relationship with your children, and your own sense of success

Are You Misunderstanding Your Child or Teen?

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At Family-Therapy we support parents to understand their children and create trust and safety with them. Kids can’t open up to you, develop strong bonds, or lean on you if they feel they can’t trust you. We understanding that parenting children and teens is a tough job. We understand the demands put on parents and

Parental Estrangement CBC Interview

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In case you miss the radio show, CBC Ontario Today, you can listen in to Nataxja Cini MSW RSW, talk about Parental Estrangement. It was a great call-in show. We heard many parents and children talk about their experiences and what helped them. We heard some current ongoing tragic sad stories and some really happy

Parental Estrangement


Parental Estrangement: What to do when your Kids don’t want to talk to you 1) Estrangement as identity Many adult children cut off their parents because they have no other way to establish their own feelings of autonomy and independence. They haven’t yet mastered how to feel close to their parent and not feel too

Talking to your Child about their Weight

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Talking to your child about their weight is a very sensitive and touchy subject. How do you, as a parent, voice your concerns about their weight and not alienate, embarrass or shame your child? Too often this conversation abut eating habits and food choices ends up focusing on being overweight, and fat and not on healthy eating or



My first year away and I’m homesick Your teen was so excited when she or he received their letter of acceptance! All summer your teen dreamed about moving away from home starting the next chapter of their life, being away from Mom and Dad and now the day has arrived. You might still have stuff

Is the arrival of a New Baby Hurting Your Marriage?

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Can your relationship or marriage withstand the challenges of taking care for a newborn baby? 67% of couples reported that their marital satisfaction took a nosedive after the arrival of their baby. For many married couples, their first child often arrived within the first five years of marriage. And this period in any relationship has been shown

Communication Tips for Divorced Parents

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Effective communication after separation or divorce that is child centred and child focused can be very difficult for many couples after their relationship breaks down. Couples who are separation or divorce in Ottawa may find it difficult to put their personal and emotional differences on the side when they have to speak to their ex