Dads it’s time to invest in quality time with your daughters. While it can seem scary at times. It doesn’t take special knowledge for Dads to participate in parenting their daughters. From the time they are born Dads parenting daughters looks like changing diapers, rocking her to sleep and reading bedtime stories. As she ages,
Does you child suffer from anxiety? Do you know the symptoms of child anxiety? Young children may not be able to express their emotions or tell you they are suffering from child anxiety. As a parent you may need to look for physical symptoms such as stomach aches, headaches, changes in eating habits or appetite,
September is around the corner and kids and parents are getting geared up for the start of a new school year. Whether this is your child’s first year or 12th at school are you preparing yourself and your child for the upcoming school year. Here are 5 quick tips to get yourself and your family ready for
Empathy, it’s definitely something I know how to do very well when I’m seeing clients in my Kanata office. But when I’m off duty from my work as a therapist and on Mom duty, well I don’t always earn high marks in being empathetic towards my partner or my children. We’ve all make mistakes and been
Being a stepparent is hard work You feel in love and decided to get married or move in together. Congratulations! How exciting! But now after the wedding, the honeymoon, the move, trying to merge your stuff with his or her stuff comes reality. Just when you want to settle in for a nice quiet evening