What should you do if your child is being bullied?

What should you do if your child is being bullied

Bullying is an issue that deeply impacts school-age children and their families. You may start to see some of the signs in your child, and you know something just isn’t right, but you can’t pinpoint the cause. Nataxja Cini, MSW, RSW is a highly regarded psychotherapist at Family-Therapy in Ottawa, and she wants to reassure

What Are Some Signs My Child May Need Therapy?

What Are Some Signs My Child May Need Therapy?

Your child goes through several changes growing up, but some may have you questioning whether your child is in a healthy state of mind. Family-Therapy offers child and youth counselling services in Ottawa  in acknowledgement that children, like adults, go through difficult times and need guidance, help or just a listening ear. Unfortunately, most children

Coping with Back to School Anxiety for Parents

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Moms and Dads school this year is just going to be different. We’ re all going to be reaching differently to school this year and that’s OK. For many families heading back to school will be a relief as we try to get back into what is our usual routine. Your child in Primary School

SIBLING RIVALRY: Competition for Parental Love – Part II

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For parents with more than one child, concerns around fair treatment may have crossed your mind more than once. After all, each child has his or her own needs, personality, age, or temperament, so how can they be treated the same? How do you deal with envy? Or Jealousy? Here are some helpful tips: 1. VALUE

SIBLING RIVALRY: Competition for Parental Love – Part I

For parents with more than one child, concerns around fair treatment may have crossed your mind. After all, each child has his or her own needs, personality, age, and temperament, so how can they be treated the same? How do you stop envy or jealousy from developing between your children? Here are some helpful tips:

Talking to your Child about their Weight

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Talking to your child about their weight is a very sensitive and touchy subject. How do you, as a parent, voice your concerns about their weight and not alienate, embarrass or shame your child? Too often this conversation abut eating habits and food choices ends up focusing on being overweight, and fat and not on healthy eating or

Child Anxiety

Does you child suffer from anxiety? Do you know the symptoms of child anxiety? Young children may not be able to express their emotions or tell you they are suffering from child anxiety. As a parent you may need to look for physical symptoms such as stomach aches, headaches, changes in eating habits or appetite,

Back to School Tips

September is around the corner and kids and parents are getting geared up for the  start of a new school year. Whether this is your child’s first year or 12th at school are you preparing yourself and your child for the upcoming school year.   Here are 5 quick tips to get yourself and your family ready for

Helping Your Child Deal With Grief Counselling

  As parents, we are always looking to bear the brunt of anything bad, which might happen in life, and to spare our children hurt and heartache. Unfortunately, you can’t protect your child from everything. Grief can strike a child just as hard as or harder than it can for an adult. When a grandparent, aunt,