Those struggling with social anxiety know that this crippling disorder rears its ugly head in a wide variety of social situations, regardless of whether these situations are voluntary. Take the workplace for example; Ottawa counselling professionals know that people must regularly face, and function socially within their place of employment. One really cannot avoid going
Are we raising a generation of Quitters? Someone recently told me about an article called “The Quitter Generation?” written by Kim Kiyosaki. Kim Kiyosaki is married to Robert Kiyosaki. He wrote the financial book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. While this article did not provide answers to the question “Are we raising a generation of quitters?”
Distressed Couple need connection with each other. What is more strengthening and healing than being understood and emotionally attached to my love? To pull away from each other can send the wrong message– that your partner is unacceptable as he or she is or even I’m unacceptable the way I am. When we withdraw for each
Are we too Busy to Enjoy Life? “People expect us to be busy, overworked. It’s become a status symbol in our society – if we’re busy, we are important; if we’re not busy, we’re almost embarrassed to admit it. Busyness is where we get our security. It’s validating, popular, and pleasing. It’s also a good
Dads it’s time to invest in quality time with your daughters. While it can seem scary at times. It doesn’t take special knowledge for Dads to participate in parenting their daughters. From the time they are born Dads parenting daughters looks like changing diapers, rocking her to sleep and reading bedtime stories. As she ages,
Trouble sleeping? Do you have trouble sleeping or staying asleep? Do you think your teens aren’t getting enough sleep or are sleeping too much? What do you know about being sleepless in Ottawa? Sleep is essential for every human being. While scientists have figured out a lot about sleep, we still don’t understand everything there
Does you child suffer from anxiety? Do you know the symptoms of child anxiety? Young children may not be able to express their emotions or tell you they are suffering from child anxiety. As a parent you may need to look for physical symptoms such as stomach aches, headaches, changes in eating habits or appetite,
Why marriage counseling? Our society has created a lot of myths about adulthood, relationships and marriage counseling. These myths are played out everywhere. We hear them in our childhood, in the media, at school an when we talk with friends. “Grow up. Be a man.” “You can handle it. Suck it up.” “You’re an independent
Everyone can relate to social anxiety to some degree since anxiety in Ottawa isn’t an uncommon thing. We’ve all felt some level of social anxiety if we’re starting school, going to a party where you don’t know anyone, or starting a new job. Different people deal with it in different ways, whether it’s through therapy
Life has its ups and downs, its good times and its bad times. This is something we’ve known since we were kids. Hopefully one of the things we’re taught growing up, is how to express ourselves and talk about our feelings. Talking with a therapist or a social worker about our frustrations, worries and hopes