Do you know how to fight fair with your partner?

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Do you know how to fight fair with your partner? Do you know how to fight fair?couples therapy, couples fighting,

Do you know how to fight fair? What DO couples in loving relationships do when they resolve conflict? Too often good marriages are taken for granted and we forget to nurture and care for them. 

FIVE things couples who know how to fight fair Do


1) Soft Startups

 They start the conversations with some facts. Couples who know how to fight fair do NOT blame or finger point or accuse each other. 
2) Make and receive REPAIR ATTEMPTS
Learn to make and receive REPAIR ATTEMPTS from your partner. This is so important when it comes to fighting fair. Sometimes we say the wrong things how easy is it for you to allow your partner to apologize or for you to say oops I said something hurtful? When things are heated can you stop the discussion to allow each of you time to cool off?

3) Soothe yourself and each other

Disagreements are unpleasant. Tempers flare up we might say things that are hurtful or we feel upset unlistened to or even really anger with ourselves or our partner.  Do you know how to calm yourself down? Can you allow your partner to help you calm down? Do you know the steps to help your partner calm down after an intense discussion? Couples who fight fair know they need to calm down and regain their composure and their temper in order to have a helpful discussion and talk about difficult topics.

4) Compromise

The reality is not everything is going to get down your way in a healthy relationship. Can you allow yourself to be influenced by your partner’s opinions and point of view? Are you open minded or is it your way or the highway? Fighting fair involves listening to your partner, trying to see the world from their point of view. You do not have to agree with them. In order to have a healthy happy marriage and relationship you need to learn how to allow yourself be influenced and open to your partner’s ideas. 

5) Tolerant of each other’s shortcomings and faults

We are all human. We will make mistakes, forget to take the garbage out, or pick up the dry cleaning. No one is perfect and our problems will not go away until we learn to accept our own and our partner’s flaws and imperfections.
If you’re struggling with your relationship give one of our relationship and marriage experts a call. Couples counselling can help you learn how to better connect with your partner. Couples therapy can give you tools and skills that prevent fights from spiralling out of control. All couples do have arguments and disagreements. Talk to us today and learn how you can repair and strengthen your relationship. Visit us at

If you’re struggling with your relationship give one of our relationship and marriage experts a call. Couples counselling can help you learn how to better connect with your partner. Couples therapy can give you tools and skills that prevent fights from spiralling out of control. All couples do have arguments and disagreements. Talk to us today and learn how you can repair and strengthen your relationship. Visit us at