We’ve all seen the lighthearted memes on social media about moms and drinking, mother’s little helper, or, ‘if you can read this get me a glass of wine’.
While alcohol is part of most social occasions and part of our westerner society, when does drinking get out of hand and when is too much, really too much alcohol consumption?
Daily or Weekly Alcohol Limits for Moms
For healthy adults, drinking more than these single-day or weekly limits is considered “at-risk” or “heavy” drinking:
Women: More than 3 drinks on any day or 7 drinks per week.
Men: More than 4 drinks on any day or 14 drinks per week.
Research shows that women develop alcohol problems quicker and at lower alcohol consumption levels in comparison to men. In general, women tend to be smaller than men meaning that the same amount of alcohol is going into a smaller body and causing you to get drunk faster and sooner. Even if you are the same size and weight as a man, you will have a higher blood alcohol level if you (a woman) drink the same amount of alcohol as a man of equal weight.
As we age, our bodies break down alcohol at a slower rate. This means we become more sensitive to its effects and can get drunk sooner and on less alcohol. So, while you may drink the same amount of alcohol as you did when you were younger, it’s likely to affect you more. If you are a mom consuming alcohol regularly and find that it is affecting your emotional state, physical wellness and family life, it’s time to seek professional help for substance abuse therapy.
The classic picture of an alcoholic is someone who always drinks too much and whose life is falling apart because of it. But that’s not always the reality. You can still be an alcoholic even though you have a great “outside life,” with a job that pays well and an adorable family. Moms and alcohol problems often fall into this category. Women are consuming more alcohol more frequently than ever before—the numbers of women who report casual drinking, binge drinking and dependent upon alcohol is rising. Regular drinking alcohol everyday builds up your tolerance which then can lead to alcohol abuse and dependence upon alcohol.
Out of control Drinking?
Here are some other red flags that your drinking is out of control.
• Needing alcohol to relax or feel confident
• Drinking in the morning or when you’re alone
• Getting drunk when you don’t intend to
• Forgetting what you did while drinking (blacking out)
• Denying drinking or minimizing how much alcohol you did drink
• Hiding your alcohol in the house or hiding your bottles after they are empty
• Getting angry or defensive when confronted about your drinking
• Losing friendships or having relationship problems due to drinking, but you still don’t quit
Staying in Control of Your Drinking
There are a number of ways to get on the right track to controlling your drinking and alcohol consumption. Here are just a few:
- Having several drink-free days a week
- Finding other ways to relax besides having a drink such as meditation, a hobby, or exercising
- Switching to drinks that are lower in alcohol or have a spritzer which is wine with soda
- Drink a soda or water in between alcoholic drinks
Ask your doctor about getting help — whether it’s counselling in Ottawa from a psychotherapist or an addiction specialist. The first step to quitting alcohol, is to admit that you have a problem and to start thinking about the idea of reducing or quitting. Sometimes people need help in managing their alcohol consumption and quitting. Ask your doctor about get help.
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