Domestic Violence

domestic violence, violence against women, intimate partner abuse, abuse, abusive relationship  
No one wants to believe they are in a domestic abusive relationship or situation.
If you are in immediate danger please call 911
Domestic Violence or Intimate Partner Violence can be anything from emotional abuse, such as name calling or putdowns, to repeated physical or sexual assaults and homicide.
Intimate partner violence has far reaching consequences on not only the direct victim, and also on their children and families.
Young Canadians were most often the victim of intimate partner violence. This means teens and young adults.
You don’t have to stay. Getting out of an abusive relationship can be much harder than “just leaving.” There is support for you and your family.

1.Call someone you trust to support you


2. Call a crisis line:

Ontario Assaulted Women’s Helpline………… 24 hour 1(866) 863-0511 TTY 1(866) 863-7868
Ottawa 24 hour Information and Help…….……24 hour (613) 745-4818
Ottawa Distress Centre…………………………24 hour (613) 238-3311
Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre…………………….24 hour (613) 562-2333 TTY (613) 562-3860
Sexual Assault Support Centre………………..24 hour (613) 234-2266 TTY (613) 725-1657
Fem’aide Crisis Line………24 hour 1(877) 336-2433 ATS 1(866) 860-7082
CALACS Francophone d’Ottawa ………………613-789-9117
Francophone Sexual Assault Program………………… (613) 233-8478 TTY (613) 233-1866

3. Call the police services

Emergency……………………………………. 24 hour – 911
Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit…………613-236-1222 ext 5944
Victim Crisis Unit …………………………….613-236-1222 ext 5822
Partner Assault Unit……………………..(613) 236-1222 ext 5407

Safety if you stay:

Call 911 if you or your children are in danger
Tell someone you trust to call the police if they think you are in danger
Call a program against abuse, a counselling agency or a crisis line
Keep the telephone number of a shelter handy and make a plan in case you have to leave

Safety if you leave

Where can you go that is safe?
To a friend or relative’s house
To a shelter, safe home, motel or hotel
To another town or city
If you need help finding a safe place, call a counsellor

Planning to leave:

Go over your safety plan with a friend or counsellor to plan the safest way to leave
Start leaving clothing or money with a trusted friend
Get legal advice about getting a peace bond or restraining order to keep your abuser away from you
Call Social Services for information on financial assistance
Put some money away in a safe place
Get legal advice regarding the custody of your children
Take your children with you or leave them with someone safe
Leave an extra set of keys, copies of important documents and extra clothes with someone you trust

Plan for safety:

Leaving can be dangerous
Ensure safety with a court order
Keep your court order with you at all times; Leave extra copies at work, with a friend, in your car, etc.
Call the police every time your abuser breaks the court order
Tell family, friends and neighbours that you have a court order

For financial assistance:

To apply for financial assistance, call Central Intake at Employment and Financial Assistance (613) 560-6000 You will be assigned to a worker at one of the district offices. If you are already on assistance, you can call your worker directly for practical help.

Safety once you are on your own:

Get legal advice about custody, immigration and housing issues
Tell your neighbours and landlord that your abuser no longer lives with you
Tell them to call the police if they see your abuser near your home
Ask your landlord if you can change the locks on your doors and windows
Practice a safety plan with your children and tell the school or daycare who has permission to pick up your children (give them a copy of your Family Court papers if you have them)
Get an unlisted telephone number (there may be no charge if you tell them you are at risk)
If you are thinking of returning to your abuser, talk to someone about your safety
Think about joining a support group  for individuals recovering from domestic violence or doing one-on-one counselling focusing on domestic violence or intimate partner abuse. 
Call us today. We’re here to listen.
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