Emotional and Psychological Trauma (PTSD)
Have you or a loved one been exposed to any of the following traumatic events or situations?
- Natural disasters, terrorism, accidents, unexpected major losses or injuries, physical violence, a witness to violence, military combat
- Physical or emotional abuse from a someone close to you
- Sexual abuse or assault
- Being bullied, whether you are a young child, teen or an adult
- A relational betrayal
- Emotional neglect
Are you or a loved one experiencing any of the following effects of trauma?
- Shock, emotional numbness
- Overwhelmed, recurring anxiety or panic attacks
- Heightened or persistent sense of fear
- Flashbacks or intrusive thoughts
- Insomnia and/or nightmares
- Feeling easily agitated, startled or highly reactive
- Outbursts of anger
- Depression
- Having unrelenting negative suspicions of others
- Withdrawal from relationships or social settings
- Loneliness or sense of being disconnected from others
- Overwhelming shame or guilt
- Difficulty concentrating on tasks

If so, you or your loved one are likely having difficulty functioning in your relationships, school or work. Many of our members of the military and first responders suffer from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Even newcomers to Canada including refugee claimants may also suffer from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and could use mental health support and counselling services. Many people who have experienced such events and accompanying symptoms have turned to temporary solutions to escape or numb their emotional suffering, such as alcoholism, gambling, prescription or illegal drugs or other emotional crutches. The use of illegal drugs can be particularly difficult to overcome, especially where highly addictive substances such as methamphetamines, for instance, are concerned. However, at Family-Therapy in Ottawa, we have caring and compassionate therapists that are experienced in trauma therapy to get you or your loved one back to leading a fulfilling, quality life. Furthermore, if drugs are an issue for you or your loved one, regular drug testing might be advised as part of your rehabilitation and therapy. Considering therapy? Call us today for an appointment or to learn more about our services.
What is Trauma?
Negative events or prolonged exposure to negative stressors in our lives can demand more from us than we are able to handle, especially if they occurred during childhood. When our mental and emotional resources are unable to effectively deal with the negative event or stressor, the result can be psychological trauma. While our initial responses to traumatic events are normal, such as numbness or disassociation, our ability to function in our daily lives can become disrupted even long after the event occurred. The prolonged state of distress can lead to problems such as those listed above, and in severe cases, a person may experience increased feelings of dissociation (or disconnectedness from the present and from parts of yourself). These effects can also be detrimental to our physical health and interpersonal relationships.
At Family-Therapy, we can help you address issues and concerns in a safe, confidential and professional space. Our caring and compassionate trauma therapists will work with to develop a unique treatment plan dedicated to your specific trauma history. We will ensure you feel heard and understood, with your pace and boundaries respected.
What to Expect and How it Works
You and your therapist will begin with an assessment. You will be asked questions about your concerns and challenges related to your trauma. You will have a chance to explain what you are going through. We will work in a way that best suits your needs, goals, and unique situation.Our aim is to assist you in learning increased or new coping skills to deal with the recurring problems or issues you are facing to regain control over your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and begin healing from the debilitating effects of your trauma.
Trauma therapy at Family-Therapy in Ottawa is a sure step towards feeling better and regaining control of your life. Take that step by calling us today at (613) 801-3559. to book or inquire about our services and therapists. We will be happy to answer your questions.